Inspect Your Lake Wall Regularly to Avoid Expensive Repairs

Lakeshore properties are an attractive proposition for homeowners. Swimming, skiing, boating and fishing are just some of the activities you can enjoy. In many cases, the shoreline will reach the edge of your property. In these instances, a lake wall is installed to prevent erosion, flooding and damage.
These structures are constructed from wood, concrete, steel or stone. In recent years, contractors have opted for synthetic materials in the building process. A lake wall offers protection and improves the aesthetics of your property. Maintenance needs are usually minimal but it is important to regularly check the wall for damage or sinking.
Lake Wall Maintenance
Identifying repair needs will help you avoid any major problems with your lake wall. Sinkholes may appear due to erosion. You can determine if there is a potential problem with supporting the subsurface if cracks appear in the wall. Age can also cause defects resulting from weather, wear and other factors.
Repairing a lake wall may only address surface issues. It is important to determine whether the problem goes deeper. Many of your problems may stem from erosion or voids in the soil underneath the structure. This is caused by issues such as the natural impact of lake water, weather conditions, removal of plant life or poor soil quality.
Supporting Your Lake Wall
Strong root systems support soil stability by creating a physical framework beneath ground level. This effect can be replicated using a deep foam injection process. Sinkholes and voids in the soil are filled and stabilized. This solution also fills smaller cracks in the soil, which isn’t achievable with other foam injection methods.
Deep foam injection will also lift and level concrete surfaces. The application will provide support for driveways, patios, poolside decks and factory floors. Sinkholes can cause injuries and impact the appearance of your property. To improve curbside appeal and protect family and visitors, turn to Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling for effective solutions.
Reach out to Advance Concrete Lifting & Leveling if you would like your lake wall assessed near Alpharetta. We offer affordable and long-lasting repair solutions.
Posted on Behalf of Advance Concrete Lifting and Leveling